Toolkit Overview

These are the ‘critical few’ change management tools from the PACT™ Methodology. Use them as a full suite or as stand alone tools. This toolkit is intended for participants of our FastStart™ Training program but anyone can use it.

Tools List

1) Case for Change – Align team around a compelling reason for the change.

2) Future State Definition – Align team around a collective view of the future state.

3) 20-Words Statement – Reach agreement on the key objectives of the project.

4) In Scope / Out of Scope – Reach agreement about clear scope boundaries.

5) More of/Less of – Define the critical few behaviors required for project success.

6) Stakeholder Assessment – Identify and understand critical stakeholders.

7) Stakeholder Engagement Strategy – Define strategies to create support for the change.

8) The Four P’s (Elevator Speech) – Craft relevant, clear, concise message about the change.

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Licensing Agreement: by downloading and using this toolkit, you acknowledge that this toolkit and all templates are protected copyright of SmartChange™ LLC and subject to the terms of this licensing agreement. You can only duplicate tools for your own purpose. Distributing or selling copies of the tools or the toolkit either in whole or in part is prohibited.
Disclaimer: you acknowledge that this toolkit has no warranties either implict or explicit. You also acknowledge that to be as effective as possible this toolkit requires some knowledge of the subject matter and facilitation skills. 

Copyright© 2020 Agile Change™ LLC